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    Hormone values after the cycle

    Returns after each cycle, some heavy cycles 3 or 5 more or less, if you do not have a genetic problem, it will cause a libido problem, but the ones you use are light. Get tested is the definitive solution.
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    pain after push-ups

    How would you recommend me to do stretching exercises? You say it would be better to do simple knee push-ups first and then normal and regular push-ups after stretching, thank you. When you say light movements or something, can you explain a little more, thank you for your answer.
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    pain after push-ups

    Hello everyone, I started doing push-ups yesterday. I aim to do 10 push-ups every day and I was going to increase it by 1 in 2 days. The painful place (neither the inner side of the armpit nor the full chest side, unfortunately, I do not know the name of the place on the front of the combination...
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    heart stuttering

    I was having changes in my heart rate. When I did sports, I went to the doctor, I said there was a rhythm disorder, was it caused by bodybuilding sports, he said no, don't quit the sport, continue, I pay attention while breathing, I don't go too heavy..
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    My excess fat that does not go away

    Not consuming anything after 6 pm is not a solution. Depending on your energy needs and health status, you can consume something up to 1 hour before bedtime. If you do not lose weight with 1600 calories, it means that your resting metabolic rate/basal metabolic rate has decreased. Do you do...
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    My Definition Diary

    By the way, I miscalculated my daily requirement. 130 gr. Protein = 520 Cal. 120 gr. Carbs = 480 Cals 80 gr. Fat = 720 Cal. I will take an average of 1700-1800 calories per day. By the way, where can I search for what you said or how can I do it?
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    My Definition Diary

    Weight 69 Fat rate 18% neck 36 arm 31 Chest 95 waist 91 Forearm 27 hip 95 Leg 52 Kalf 35 -- Daily -- 80 gr. Protein = 720 calories 80 gr. Fat = 720 calories 90 Gr of Carbs. = 360 calories I take 1800 calories in total, my goal is to burn fat and gain muscle. I can reach 13% fat.
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    Full Body Training and Low Carb Diet

    In fact, I don't think there will be much problem in consuming sugar in the morning, because fruit/dried fruit can be a good alternative to replenish the glycogen stores, which are slightly reduced in the morning. I recommend counting calories so you can feel a little more relaxed as you move...
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    Get bored while running

    Warning: Jogging on treadmills is not healthy. If some problems occur in your knee one day or when you are old, that treadmill is responsible. Do not forget this. Running on the street, trails, grass, etc. an action to be taken. Alternative: You can use the bike tool. Solution proposals: 1-...
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    my legs are thick

    Unless I misunderstood the problem, it's because of upper leg fat. Don't skimp on complex carbohydrates and protein from your meals (cut sugar if you're using sugar, increase water). Focus on squat and lunge exercises. I recommend doing the squat additionally with a gym ball.
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    my legs are thick

    regional thinning is difficult. If you provide the necessary calorie deficit by giving importance to leg movements and fluctuating carbohydrates in your diet, you will get the result you want.
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    I have two questions about clean bulk

    m very active, yes. I measure my weight on Monday. I count my calories. In your opinion, protein is 30% of calories, and carbohydrates are 50%. Would it be better if I take 20% of the oil? My protein is low.
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    I have two questions about clean bulk

    I've been trying clean bulk for about 2.5 months, but it's always in the form of weight gain. There is not much change, my arm measurement has increased by 1 cm, it seems like I have grown a little. I calculated my fat ratio (9%) before using the calorie calculator and then calculated the...
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    My Powerlifting Training Diary

    I'm following you, take it easy. I'm struggling with 3x5 too, I'm curious what will happen.
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    I started a new sport, how should I eat?

    Calculate your daily calorie needs. This amount of food is sufficient.
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    Morning meal

    I can do what you say, my aim is to consume fast anyway, to get macros for the morning
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    Morning meal

    I'm going to boil the egg and just throw the white into the mixer. I want to use it because it contains quality protein. I can use curd, but I'd like to use eggs if the egg won't be a problem.
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    Morning meal

    I have to make shakes the night before and put them in the fridge. I take it with me to work. These ingredients can be spiced like egg white, oat milk, cinnamon, and I want the taste consistency to be drinkable. I will eat 2 egg yolks separately. Will the shake that I prepared in the evening...
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    Is 500g of chicken a day harmful?

    Half a kilo of chicken a day seems like a lot, as a result of protein metabolism, urea is formed, the body is trying to remove this urea, people who take excessive protein have high urea, and the increase in urea causes many diseases..
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