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    herniated disc

    I don't have pain right now, thank god I'm taking medicine. Is it possible if I go to strengthen the back muscles? I will continue to weight after 3 months.
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    herniated disc

    Hello friends, I went to the doctor because of the complaint of low back pain and had an MRI. My doctor stated that there was a hernia on the lower left side, when I asked if it was serious, he said that you need to pay attention, will it prevent me from doing sports? I can also upload the MRI...
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    Valsalva and inguinal hernia

    Actually I do, but I'll be more careful from now on, that's for sure.
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    Valsalva and inguinal hernia

    Good Sports Everyone. Friends, I think I took a little too much air and tried too much while doing squats and valsalva today. When I come home 1-2 hours later, there is a sharp pain under the belly button, I have pain when standing upright. I did some research and read things like hernia. Could...
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    Shoulder Trouble Help

    I'm thinking of resting too. There's nothing to do now. I'll start from 0. Well, during the rest period, I'll eat my guinea normal diet. I ate 5 eggs and 40 gr oats in the morning.
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    Shoulder Trouble Help

    I don't know exactly if I was injured, but it was my shoulder day, I got tired with a lot of super sets and drop sets, I did 6 different moves, I was just leaving the gym, my friends came, I didn't want to leave, I went with them, I had a pain in my left shoulder the next day, whatever it was...
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    About Ventolin

    What your friend is talking about is most likely lean body mass, the problem is that as you lose weight, the lean body weight that appears on those devices will also decrease...
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    I Can't Lower My Fat Rate

    Say hi when body fat reaches 10, that is, when the muscle ratio is in the range of 45-50
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    Which tool should I buy to melt belly and tummy?

    Hello to everyone. My legs are thin, my butt is almost non-existent, hips, etc. are already absent. But the belly is taking over. There's also the upper abdomen, of course. In the end, I decided to watch what I ate and lost weight, but no matter what I do, that belly doesn't go away. First I was...
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    Why is there no burning or pain in my breasts?

    There is no rule that there will be pain in every region, the important thing is that the pump is the t bar, it hits the chest, even if it is a little, it may be due to the wrong movements or to the variety of movements. I'm going to write you 4 chest moves try bi 1 - bench press 2 - upper chest...
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    My Training Diary

    your program looks good but I think you can't gain anything with such a program, you should work 2 or 3 times a week instead of working a muscle in 1 day
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    Chest-Wing Work

    The chest wing duo has a sample program in the forum. I was working with the chest forearm wing together, I was satisfied, but my partner could not enter the wing after ten arms. Because he is more tired than me during the day due to his job. We changed it later. So the decision is yours.
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    My Training Program

    My friend, this is such a detailed study, I think Prof. If you're not, you don't even need to do curls.
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    5x5 Stronglift

    Hello friends, it has been about 1 year since I started sports, frankly, I have always applied split program in this process, including this summer, but when I realized that I could not gain weight after a while, I thought of turning to this program. My weights in split program (current weights)...
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    Chicken breast and estrogen

    My friend, there are 2 options that I can recommend, you can reduce your chicken consumption to 3-4 days a week, or if you say that it is easier for me financially, you should focus on foods that will increase your testosterone level, this will prevent gynecomastia caused by estrogen. What is...
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    Body Whitening?

    In some I have personally seen, this way and it has something to do with clay roots, try to remove the armpit with wax or a depilator, maybe you will notice.
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