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  1. B

    I do not know what will I do

    I also just started sports, but I would like to inform you about the things I read, it will be more reliable if you do a little research on what I have said. I think you should first ask yourself the following question, am I satisfied with this fat ratio? I read an article that hormones work...
  2. B


    So, can we compare masteron and boldenon with each other?
  3. B

    Does anyone know have a look?

    it would be better to leave creatine not used in fat burning
  4. B

    melting leg muscles

    Guys, I'm a regular cardio and exercise person, I thought it would be better for my legs but day by day they are getting muscle and thicker. As a woman, I don't want a very muscular leg. What do you think I should do, what moves should I apply?
  5. B

    5x5 Log from 0

    Are you calculating the empty bar with the weights or what you add to the bar?
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