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  1. Musclefreak

    I'm dizzy in training

    High blood pressure....
  2. Musclefreak

    Let's talk cruising.

    Anything that does not effect your bloodwork in a negative way is okay bro .. mast,primo,deca are probably most common
  3. Musclefreak

    Sustanon and rimobolan cycle

    What is the issue bro? 1637347708 Yep,makes no sense at all...some guys are scared of gains so they stop just before
  4. Musclefreak

    Review Love Roidbazaar

    I did not even notice until now 😂
  5. Musclefreak

    1 test cyp DHB

    Exactly PIP can be so bad if someone just slap your ass u just start crying lol
  6. Musclefreak

    Sponsor Welcome to RoidBazaar - Reliable, Fast, Cheap and High Quality!

    U can use 50$ credit for your touchdown bro 💪🏻
  7. Musclefreak

    300 mg Test Cyp and 300 Deca

    U should Always use ai...high Estrogen = high blood pressure,water retention,higher risk of every cancer etc... Ratios are bs,adjust your dosages based on your goals
  8. Musclefreak

    Winstrol at the end of a cycle

    U don't need winny but arimidex bro,u are full of Estrogen... Anything over 300mg test we must add AI
  9. Musclefreak

    Aromasin vs Arimidex

    Arimidex, aromasin makes my joints hurt
  10. Musclefreak

    Tren and Deca

    Same great synergy....npp makes me full and round, tren gives me aggresion in the gym and makes me lot more hard dry
  11. Musclefreak

    1 test cyp DHB

    600mg for me is amazing ,like mix of primo and EQ just more potent
  12. Musclefreak

    Minimum Tren dosage

    Yes and no, that would mean 100mg tren would build as much muscle like 500mg test? Not even close,test Would destroy it. For first time tren ace user i would say 50mg per day or tren e 400mg per week. I have done first tren e cycle 200mg and results were crap,but got all the sides.. next cycle...
  13. Musclefreak

    Review Legit Rebranded Balkan pharma from roidbazaar

    Sure brother! Send me your plan on WhatsApp and when i feel better i will go through it and reccommend some changes if i see something i Would do different
  14. Musclefreak

    Review Legit Rebranded Balkan pharma from roidbazaar

    Thank you Rich ❤️ next Let's see your review and feedback about the Products 💪🏻 maybe u can even do some logs man,that would be fun to see
  15. Musclefreak

    Review Legit Rebranded Balkan pharma from roidbazaar

    Thank you my brother,nobody could write this better 😁
  16. Musclefreak

    Review Review

    Think this is 100$ for a review 😎💪🏻
  17. Musclefreak

    Review Love Roidbazaar

    No better feedback then that 💪🏻
  18. Musclefreak

    Review Roaidbazzar get service

    Or tren junkie 😜🤣
  19. Musclefreak

    Review Gh pens

    Thank you brother from the whole RB family 💪🏻
  20. Musclefreak

    Sponsor Welcome to RoidBazaar - Reliable, Fast, Cheap and High Quality!

    Touchdown credit for u bro,if u still did not get any for this order 👍🏻
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