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  1. G

    10 Important Information for Effective Skin Care

    nice topic great information
  2. G

    300 mg Test Cyp and 300 Deca

    Like Vette posted, not set in stone for your test to equal your nandrolone . Keep an eye on your E2 levels. Might want to consider having a little Cabaser/cabergoliine on hand if you can source it.
  3. G

    Anavar everyday? EOD? Is a break necessary?

    I would personally forego all these variations on when to take it. Taking it every day will be a lot more effective than taking it every other day, only 4 days out of the week, only on days when you lift weights, only when theres full moon, etc etc Just do it 4 weeks, take 4 weeks off, rinse...
  4. G


    Hello guys, My cure will last 10 weeks. 750 mg Testo E once a week. 750 mg Bolde. I will do 250mg of Deca in the form of 30mg of Dianabol daily. I will cut Dianabol from the 6th week. Height 1.79 Weight 92 My diet 6 whole eggs in the morning 80 grams of oatmeal 40 grams of peanuts, at noon 250...
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