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    Skin-Skin Tearing

    If you find a solution, please inform me, and I will do whatever the solution is, and if I find it, I will inform you.
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    NPP VS DECA bulking cycle

    I prefer Deca …
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    Should I end my cycle?

    What would you suggest would be a good cruise dose? So just test? I have to get bloods for my next Dr's appt until January, so need to steer clear of anything that would set off any alarms. Sleep has always been a problem for me the last few years, but has gotten under control in the past few...
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    Should I end my cycle?

    So I've been on cycle for 18 weeks now and for whatever reason, am only now realizing my gains as in strength and size. I was only planning to run 16 weeks for this cycle but am reluctant to stop cause it's like it just hit me now. My natural test is shot and am on TRT now anyway, so am really...
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