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  1. E

    Why Do Skin (Skin) Cracks Occur? How to Prevent? What are the Treatment Methods?

    Stretch marks on the skin are among the beauty problems that women fear most. As these deformations on the skin continue to progress, they reach dimensions that cannot be covered with make-up products. In order to get rid of this problem, even partially, we tried to give you information about...
  2. E

    skin elasticity

    I have 15-16% fat percentage, my face and chin are supple and I have a bad look Can the skin on the face be tightened by reducing the fat ratio, or should the skin be filled with muscles? There are many different opinions on this subject, it would be nice if you could comment.
  3. E

    First cure

    Friends, I started this sport when I was 22 years old from a round ball and I have a thin bone structure. When I first started, I was 95 kg. I lost weight and reached 68 kg. My fat percentage is 14% at the moment. I am 25 years old. I have a history of 3 years. Now I think it's time to bulk up...
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