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    Testolic testosterone propionate

    In my opinion, whatever the result, I think pct is necessary for a fast recovery, what you use is an anabolic substance and it will have an effect and it would be beneficial for us to minimize these effects.
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    Train Cure.

    3-4. After a week you start to feel
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    Pull Up Back Injury

    I hope you won't have any problems. Don't go too heavy though. I also started with the leg-push-pull full body program, but believe me, I started with weights that I don't even use to warm up. Even so, there is a small ache. I will try to get stronger. Let's see.
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    Forearm Injury

    Even the most fatherly doctor cannot diagnose the forearm muscles at the time of his arrival. There are 3 layers in the forearm, and in each layer there are 10 muscles with almost the same functions. You've probably had a minor injury. I advise you to take a break for 1 week, it may get worse.
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    Your advice for the future

    I guess your fat ratio is around 20%, it is fine in your situation, but for the change you want, you should continue to lose weight by thinking that it is a drier body. 80 Come up to 85 kilos, then things are done according to the image.
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    Friends, do you think that working out legs accelerates the weight loss process, will doing squats or deadlifts be of great benefit?
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    Solution for Breast Fat

    With regular nutrition, the fat ratio in the body will begin to decrease. If you go to the gym, you can speed up your metabolism with cardiovascular training, take it easy.
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    I need help

    I think you should do pilates
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    Thank you my friend
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    Waiting for Your Comments on My Full Body Training Diary

    BACK lat pulldown seated cable row CHEST dumbbell bench press dumbbell fly SHOULDER dumbbell shoulder press dumbbell lateral raise FRONT/REAR ARM incline dumbbell curl Cable Overhead Extension With Rope 14-12-10-10-6 3 DAYS IN A WEEK OBJECTIVE: CLEAN MASS HEIGHT: 180 WEIGHT: 81 OIL RATIO: 25%
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    Questions on Carbs

    Thanks for the suggestions guys
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    Questions on Carbs

    Hello, I was getting my carbohydrate values from oats and white rice, I burned good oil, but it was very slow. What can I use instead of white rice? Is it jasmine rice or how about if I eat 4 meals of oats?
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    I consume 60 grams of Curd cheese 2 hours before going to bed at night. I eat 1-2 hours before going to bed, they recommended that, but because I am in definition, does it make me lubricate or eat before going to bed at night?
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    Wavy Hair Problem?

    I recommend a keratin straightening.
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    Men's hair straightening

    Everyone wants straight hair, and I want a wavy hair close to curly :) I don't have to worry about styling, I used to travel the same way every day... The only feature of straight hair is that you can shape it every morning, but I would like a wavy hair...
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