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  1. P

    not getting enough calories

    Namely, you lose weight because there is a calorie deficit, you will see a change in the scale, but you should also know that the weight lost with an unhealthy diet will not please you in front of the mirror. Let's imagine that you have lost 5 kilograms, how much of this weight is muscle and how...
  2. P

    Transition from Bulking to Defining

    Friends have said what is necessary, there is no need to say a lot, you can eat whatever you find soft from stone until you reach the ratio of height and weight.
  3. P

    Fat measurement

    Hello, first of all, my question is, I've been on a strict diet and training program for 2 months, so I thought I'd get a fat measurement. It was 17 percent in the gym.
  4. P

    muscles are not visible from swelling

    As someone who has the same problem, I researched and tried many things. My doctor gave probiotics and bloating was reduced to minimum levels. You can ask for probiotics from pharmacies. You can also get them naturally. Ayran, Cottage Cheese, Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Olives are foods containing...
  5. P

    Idea About My Training Program

    You already work biceps in back movements, but if it's not enough for you, I don't see any problem in working out. I think your training program is good, I think the program is close to that, the only difference is that I train the legs and the back on the same day, do you think it's a problem?
  6. P

    Idea About My Training Program

    Why do you enter biceps 4 moves grip, triceps 3 moves?
  7. P

    5x5 tracking

    I said I'd follow 5x5, maxlar bench 90 Squat 140kg Deadlift 160kg Overheadpress 60kg barbell row 65kg 5x5 squat 60 kg today 5x5 overhead press empty bar (20kg) Deadlift 5x5 40 kg (I'm trying Yen variations)
  8. P

    Those who deal with Powerlift, a help

    If these are 5 reps, then go to Texas.
  9. P

    Those who deal with Powerlift, a help

    If you write your current max on the lifts, we can guide you better. However, you say that you have lost a lot of weight, there has been a serious decrease, I think you continue with 5x5, your max will increase faster for a while. It would be more beneficial for you to pass Texas when it comes...
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