Anavar everyday? EOD? Is a break necessary?


New User
Nov 13, 2021
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I just started adding 60mg Anavar oral pills daily. I heard you should take a break from it every now and then in order for it to be effective. My questions are. How do you take a break from it? Can i only take it 4 times a week when I'm working out? Can I not take it one day a week? 2 days a week? Or maybe, I have to do a complete cycle (6-8 weeks) and then like a month off? I heard that just taking a one day break will be good enough for the liver because the liver regenerates fully in 24 hours.

I have also been injecting 500mg Test e with 400mg EQ weekly. This is broken up into 2 shots a week.

Thank you. Please advise.
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