Bulk Gynecomastia


New User
Nov 20, 2021
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friends, I've been in bulk for about 1 month, I've gained about 2-3 kg, my goal is to go from 80 to 90 and then cut I am now 81-82 kg, but my chest area is a little too oily and a gynecomastia-like image started to appear, probably a much uglier look when I reach 90 kg. There will be an image in my breasts, but when I define it later, will this problem go away to a large extent? Because I have always been a very thin child, I have never had a problem with gyno in my life, I have never faced such a problem in adolescence, so when I lose weight again, will this breast fat go away to a large extent? , if it goes so inconspicuously ,, please help me I'm 180 so 90 kg is not that obese for me , and I don't have any pain or hard tissue in my breasts either
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