Which tool should I buy to melt belly and tummy?


New User
Nov 20, 2021
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Hello to everyone. My legs are thin, my butt is almost non-existent, hips, etc. are already absent. But the belly is taking over. There's also the upper abdomen, of course. In the end, I decided to watch what I ate and lost weight, but no matter what I do, that belly doesn't go away. First I was going to buy a treadmill, then what I read confused me. No vertical, horizontal, elliptical, etc. It made more sense to buy a bike, but there are some who write that they only train legs butt. Which bike works the hardest? Shuttle tool etc. I don't want to buy it, and I want the whole body to work while melting the belly, so I will buy a treadmill or bike machine. If someone who knows can enlighten me, I would be very happy.
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