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    Fat consumption in the bulk period?

    a matter of preference, coconut oil is getting a little more modern. both are healthy, you can consume it with peace of mind.
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    Fat consumption in the bulk period?

    it all depends on the macros you will take, but in this period, carb and protein should be in the foreground. Fear of healthy fats (walnut, almond, peanut, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.)
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    Will my muscles melt if I do weight training on an empty stomach?

    Friends, I entered the definition period to burn fat, but I can eat 3 meals a day and on the 3rd day it coincides with after the exercise. I have to do the exercise on an empty stomach. My question is, if I work on an empty stomach, will my fat burning stop and muscle loss?
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    Fat measurement

    No one can say anything without seeing your body, if your fat ratio is 12, your abdominal muscles should be visible.
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    Problem with my one leg developing?

    Friends, I'm working on exercises for squats and lower part, I realized today that my left lower leg is more straight and thick, but the right side is thin, I put a little more load on the left because I have a problem in my right foot, I guess what can I do as I don't want someone to be thin...
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    training time

    9 moves are done, of course it takes a long time
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