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  1. M

    not getting enough calories

    If it is too open, the body can protect itself and store everything it eats.
  2. M

    Transition from Bulking to Defining

    I think your diet is wrong. It is a mediocre result to gain 4 kilos by thinking that you are doing a dirty job. prof. If you are not, you should not get involved with concepts such as dirty bulk. You are 181 height 69 kilos thin. You will return to the Somalis with a definition. Kilos x3 carbs...
  3. M

    Transition from Bulking to Defining

    Neither dirty, you gained 4 kilos in 3 months, You are 69 kilos to burn fat, you are thin and also very thin. Go one to 75. Get a normal view. You look like a stick with that height and weight.
  4. M

    Does anyone know have a look?

    Friends said that creatine is not used, but I think they themselves do not have full knowledge of the subject. In high-intensity activities, our body uses creatine as energy. For this reason, it is very important that creatine stores are full during the definition period when a systematic...
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    muscles are not visible from swelling

    thank you so much. I already consume plenty of yogurt and cheese. If it is consumed with food, will the bloating be less?
  6. M

    muscles are not visible from swelling

    Hello. I have slight abdominal muscles, but when I eat and drink something, my stomach swells and the muscles disappear immediately. how can i prevent it, what should i do or what should i do the swelling will go away quickly?
  7. M

    Idea About My Training Program

    Although I feel that the triceps are overworked in the pushing movements, I cannot achieve the same feeling in the biceps in the pulling movements. Also, there is a small size in the biceps, so I want to work all aspects of the biceps. To summarize briefly, although the triceps occupies a larger...
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    Idea About My Training Program

    First of all, hello to all of you. The program I am currently working on is as follows. I have been dealing with this sport for about 8 months and I have been working in this order for approximately 1 month and I am planning to continue with this program for 2 more months. Every now and then...
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    Those who deal with Powerlift, a help

    I think all but 5 reps bench 2 reps my arm was so shaky I left
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    Those who deal with Powerlift, a help

    The kilos I tried on Monday were 130 squats and 140 deadlifts. I can't do 80 bench 2 reps overhead press with proper form barbel row
  11. M

    Those who deal with Powerlift, a help

    I was doing 5x5 in the middle of 2 months. I quit it because I was 83 kg. I decided to lose weight and now I am 70 kg. There has been a decrease in my sleep pattern, finally I want to make a comeback like a bomb. I want to gain my lost discipline and I am waiting for powerlift-oriented...
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