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  1. C

    Can we spend our calorie needs to the fullest?

    yes you can if your calorie requirement is 2800
  2. C


    The body is a choice, don't be ashamed of being overweight or thin, first of all, but of course, a fit body is the desire of most people and you want to go beyond desire and take a step, I think you have done half of your success, first of all, reduce sugary foods, if you can cut it in a moment...
  3. C

    Which care products do you use?

    Thanks for the suggestions guys
  4. C

    Which care products do you use?

    Yes, well-groomed friends, what are the skin products, masks, body lotions, hand creams, etc. that you use here?
  5. C

    HCG vs HGH

    Thanks. Sorry, let me rephrase my question to be more specific. HGH is often thought of as a fountain of youth - increased muscle, bone density, energy, fat burning properties, better recovery etc. If you have tried HGH, what was the result? Have you encountered any side effects? How do...
  6. C

    HCG vs HGH

    What is the difference between HCG and HGH? I understand the what it stands for but not sure which is used when. I see HCG has been used widely by this forum members and recommended (beginners cycle). Also, I keep reading about the side effects of HGH. Will there be any circumstances one has to...
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