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  1. N

    Sustanon, primobolan, boldenone

    As testo, I recommend enanthate, is this cure the first cure or not, of course, she needs to know about it.
  2. N

    about I don't mind

    Could they be black dots?
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    Tfcc hernia

    I have it on my left wrist for 4 years, I haven't applied any treatment, I don't seem to have any problem now, I continue to train, I need to pay attention to the grips, avoid the movements where you turn your wrist a lot. If you can rest for 8 weeks, I think it will not be a problem in the...
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    leg press sudden headache

    Legs are actually the body's blood pump, there are veins near your calves, if you push too hard, your blood circulation will accelerate. I recommend starting with hot water and ending with cold water.
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    I stopped losing weight how can I speed it up

    hello, break your diet for 2-3 days, don't take sugar, but.. then continue your diet, by the way, how many calories do you take? As you lose weight, your calorie intake will also decrease.. I guess it seems to me that you are feeding with low calories..
  6. N

    For the development of leg muscles?

    The hall I go to is on the 2nd floor. If I feel like I'm going to fall down the stairs after the leg training, I say that I've had a good performance. No, if your walking didn't even change, I think there was no leg training. by the way, if you work with squat 50 kilos, leg press 60 is very...
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    I want to consult your experiences?

    45-50 minutes of interval cardio is good for burning fat, but if you eat a lot because you are doing sports, you will still gain weight, you need to do well in your nutrition. For example, I take around 5000 calories a day, I am 86 kilograms, although I train for 5 days, I still gain weight.
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    My Muscles Aren't Growing, Where Am I Going Wrong?

    It would be wrong to only take protein, you should take it regularly from everything.
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