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  1. P

    Testosterone Propionate+Masterone First Cycle Aid

    If you're going to enter propionate, you have to be in the definition, if you're only going to enter the sphere with testo, you should enter with sustanon.
  2. P

    Testosterone Propionate+Masterone First Cycle Aid

    propionate is used when testosterone is suppressed, for example, when you are on a deca cure, if there is no problem with erection, do not use proviron. Also, if the first cure is next to masteron, where is deca or boldenon?
  3. P

    Does it prevent hair growth?

    Men buy it for aesthetic purposes, it does not prevent their hair.
  4. P

    Acne and Fitness...

    If possible, you can tire your liver by using supplements in this process.
  5. P

    Facial pallor?

    By pale do you mean such a white crust? If so, a moisturizer will suffice. If it happens on the shaved parts, the balm works in the beard area, it makes it look more lively.
  6. P

    How will I burn fat?

    It has nothing to do with bro science.caloric deficiency makes you lose weight.You must do heavy training again, not 30 repetitions. The friend above explained everything very well.
  7. P

    Neck pain

    Try it out by bringing the chest forward and hollowing the waist If it still hurts, listen to the pain, don't do that move.
  8. P

    weight loss high weight training

    So instead of this program for fat burning, you recommend less weight and more, right?
  9. P

    My shoulders are not straight please help

    Do the barbell row by squeezing your shoulder blades and pulling your chest out
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