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  1. N

    How can i lose weight

    First of all, there is no such thing as losing weight from the face. The body cannot burn fat locally. You lose weight, you burn fat, and your face also gets weaker over time.
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    The main source of Masteron (drostanolone propionate) is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is used in diet cures. It is widely used before competitions. Since it is short estered, it requires repeated injections during the week. The minimum dose is 300 milligrams. It is combined with drugs such as...
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    The problem of skin tears

    I have biceps, I'm afraid to go heavy because it will come out more, there is no cure, I don't know what to do
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    Even though my waist is 79cm, it's still fat

    I am also 182. The most I have seen is 97 kg and the lowest I have seen is 72. In the last few years, I have been over 90 maybe 3-4 times in the last few years and fell into the range of 70-85. . When I was 97 kg, a lot of fat was gushing out of my body, I went down to 72 kg with a little...
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    Running or walking?

    Hello , I want to reduce my fat rate ... My goal is to lose weight ... I like running , but I am confused which is more effective for weight loss ... A fitness instructor said to walk fast rather than running ... What would you recommend ?
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    I can't slim my waist...?

    thank you. yes, I do not consume even one percent of the junk food that people consume, I always protect my will, except in very exceptional cases. Normally I would do 1 cheat meal a month, but since summer approached, I cut it for 1 month. I also buy oil from olive oil, butter, etc., provided...
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    5x5 tracking

    I don't think 5x5 will do much for an intermediate of your weight, so if you're used to squatting three times a week, intermediate programs would be more appropriate.
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    Weekly rest days for Bodybuilding and Fitness Training What do you think should be?

    I'm going for 4 or 5 days now, when my boxing + fitness subscriptions are over, I will set up a gym at home and work for 6 days and I'm thinking of enrolling in swimming.
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