facial care


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Nov 20, 2021
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moisturizing mask for face
Ingredients: Egg yolk + milk
Preparation: Mix egg yolk and a spoonful of milk in a bowl. Spread this mixture on your face, cover it with a thin cloth and wait for fifteen minutes. Then wipe tissue. Then wash your face with lukewarm and cold water, respectively.
What it does: If you have dry and dehydrated skin, this mask is perfect for you. While the egg yolk in it will nourish your skin, the milk will moisturize, soften and tighten it.
When to use: It is enough to apply this mask once a week.

End of black dots
Ingredients: lemon juice + yogurt
Preparation: Mix the juice of one lemon in a bowl of yogurt. Spread this mixture on your face, being careful not to get it in your eyes, and wait for 15 minutes. Rinse the drying mask on your face with warm water.
What it does: Lemon juice disinfects the skin, dries out acne, and helps blackheads disappear. Yogurt, on the other hand, nourishes, moisturizes the skin and balances the amount of oil.
When to use: This mask can be applied once a week.

Springtime for acne
Ingredients: Spring Spring + Olive Oil
Preparation: Mix eight cauliflower leaves with two spoons of olive oil. Spread the mixture on your face, being more concentrated on the problem areas, wait ten minutes and clean your face with warm water.
What it does: The autumn leaves have a cleansing function.
When to use: Once or twice a week.

Mask against wrinkles
Ingredients: Cream + Apple
Preparation: To prepare this mask, it is enough to mix a peeled apple and three spoons of cream with a mixer for a few minutes. After spreading the mixture onto the skin off your face with a clean cloth. After waiting for about ten minutes, wipe off the mask and clean your face with warm water.
What it does: Cream softens, moisturizes and gives elasticity to the skin. It is also effective against wrinkles. Apples are important factors to keep alive the skin.
When to use: Once a week.

for oily skin
Ingredients: Honey + milk + lemon juice
Preparation: Mix a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of lemon juice and milk in an amount that will not disturb the consistency of the consistency in a cup. Spread the mixture on your face and neck and wait until it dries slightly. Wipe the mask clean with a damp sponge.
What it does: Honey softens the skin and allows the active ingredients in lemon juice to be better absorbed. These substances balance the oil secretion of the skin and prevent acne breakouts that may occur as a result of excess oil secretion.
When to use: Repeat every ten to fifteen days as needed.
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