Full Body Training and Low Carb Diet


New User
Nov 20, 2021
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I am a newbie to the sport. my height is 1.83, my weight is 105 and my fat ratio is around 35%. (I calculated the fat ratio over the neck, waist, hip circumference with online calculators)

I started working full-body for the last 10 days. I've done 4-5 exercises so far. I follow a low-carb, protein-heavy diet. My daily protein intake exceeds 100 gr. I have been on a diet of 1500-1700 calories for the last 2-3 weeks, but I will increase the amount to 1800-2000 kcal starting tomorrow. My goal is to lose 1 kg of fat per week and to gain 1 kg of muscle per month for at least the first 1-2 months.

I will do cardio 2 days a week to support the weight training I do. I'm not going to get into HITT cardio because I'm obese and raw right now. I think I should get some conditioning with at least 2 weeks of low-intensity cardio. Initially, I will do a 40-minute exercise consisting of 4 minutes of walking at 6 kmh, followed by 1 minute of 8km jogs. I'm also thinking of working out abs and waist in the same day.

My Body Measurements:

arm 35
waist 120
hip 118
Calf 39

My Full Body Program: Monday-Wednesday-Friday

Bench Press 3x8
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 3x8
Lateral Pulldown 3x8
Cable Row 3x8
Machine Biceps Curl 3x8
Triceps Pushdown 3x8
Bodyweight Squat 3x8 (I will increase it to 3x15)
Seated Dumbell Calf Raise 3x12

Since I have a herniated disc, I stay away from deadlifts and weighted squats. I might try it when my lower back muscles get a little stronger.

Cardio - Abdominal: Tuesday - Saturday

Cardio 40 min walking and jogging on the treadmill

Crunch (Half shuttle) 3x15
Lying Leg Raise 3 x 10 (I will increase it to 3x15)
Hyper Extension 3x 10 (I will increase it to 3x15)

Let me tell you about my diet.


2 boiled eggs
50 g feta cheese
handful of walnuts
A few slices of melon or watermelon
lots of tomatoes

Light tuna 160 g
Or about 200-gr chicken breast veal.

300-350 chicken breasts or veal.
lots of salad

As I said, my goal is to burn 4-5 kg of fat per month and if possible (at least for the first 1-2 months) to gain 1 kg of muscle per month.
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