How many calories do I need?


New User
Nov 13, 2021
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Hello, I'm 187 tall and 110 kilos.
I take between 1300-1500 kcal per day, I cannot lose weight
As a macro, for example, I bought 150gr protein, 110 gr carbs, 52 gr fat today.
I have a mesomorph type body. I have been going to sports for 3-4 months. I have started to increase in strength and muscle gain, but I can hardly lose any weight :C
I go to the gym 4 days a week and it takes a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio and 300 jumping rope.
I'm training full body
How many calories do you think I should eat per day?
According to the calculators, my bmr value is a little over 2000, but I take 500-700 kcal less of it because if I go a little over 1500 kcal, I start to gain weight in a strange way....
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