I can't lose weight on less calories


New User
Nov 24, 2021
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Hello. About 1.5 months ago, I started exercising at 106 kg. At the beginning, when I calculated my macro values, I saw that I needed to take around 2700 calories to burn fat. I took around 2400 calories to burn fat a little faster. I did cardio once a week, but I couldn't lose weight. I increased the cardio to 3, this time I was able to lose weight, now I am around 100. However, I have decreased the calories a little more for 2 weeks, around 1700, 1800, but I could not lose weight in 2 weeks. I do sports 3 days a week. And there was no change in size, except that my waist fell from 100 to 95. Do you think this is the case? what could be the reason?

my diet;
5 Eggs
Some bread (I can't eat eggs, so I eat it with eggs)
80-100 gr rice
400-500 g chicken breast
1 bowl of yogurt
10 15 gr butter (if we count eggs and rice)
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