In 1 month, 4.1 kilos went very easily.


New User
Nov 24, 2021
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Since the first week is a trial week, I paid maximum attention to what I ate, what did I do?
*I cut off sugar (junk food, all fruit juices, carbonated drinks, jam, ketchup, mayonnaise sauces, prepared foods, etc.)
*I ate only 2 meals a day (Breakfast and dinner)
* Between these 2 meals, I never took a bite in my mouth.
*I cycled every day 11-12 km
*I drank 1 glass of water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach

The 2 kilos I lost in the first week (I think it was water) motivated me a lot, then what did I do? Here you go :

* I consumed coconut oil every day
*I drank 2 cups of green tea a day
*Breakfast: I ate 1 slice of whole wheat bread for breakfast every morning and consumed at least 2 eggs, cream curd cheese, tomato, cucumber etc..
*Dinner: I consumed as much turkey meat as possible every evening and had a side salad, some days I just finished dinner with a salad, I never skipped low-fat yoghurt.
*Additional spices I use: Ginger, rosemary, red pepper, black pepper, olive oil, vinegar, Flaxseed, , Chia seeds
*I definitely did not eat a single gram of sugar
*I definitely did not consume pastries, except for whole-grain bread.
*I did sports every day, I rode a bike
* I drank a lot of water
*While shopping at the market, I chose the products with the least fat in 100g.

Friends, 2 meals may seem too little or not enough for you, at first I had a lot of difficulties, there was almost 6 hours between breakfast and dinner, but during this period, resistance is very important, besides, sweet cravings, incredible sugar cravings came, but I dreamed of my future fit body and I mastered my will.
In this way, I defeated my insulin resistance and day by day that hunger went away and my sugar crises disappeared, and after a while, I did not look for sugar or eat 2 meals quite enough for me.
I definitely did not put anything in my stomach after 19:00. I went to bed hungry.
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