Ketogenic diet or low-carb diet for fat burning?


New User
Nov 20, 2021
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Hello guys,
As a result of quitting sports until 2.5 years ago, I became very fat. In addition to my poor diet, my mental fatigue, stress and starting to smoke were other factors in my fat burning. I started exercising again 2 weeks ago and now I feel happier and healthier.

As I mentioned in the title; I was very indecisive about ketogenic diet and low-carb diet to burn fat. I learned that both of them have their own pros and cons by researching the articles on the forum and other resources on the internet. As for the points where I am contradictory;

1) Which of these diets is more effective in preserving muscle mass while burning fat?

2) Is the initial loss of strength in the ketogenic diet a temporary phenomenon or an ongoing process throughout the diet?
My height is 186 cm, my weight is 106 kg, my waist circumference is 103 cm, and my fat ratio is 25%. I work in a lightly active job where I spend half the day standing and half sitting.

Thank you in advance for your valuable comments.
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