Nutrition program and fat burning


New User
Nov 24, 2021
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First of all, hello everyone, I couldn't pay attention to my diet and went from 65 kilos to 86 kilos in an unhealthy way. In the pandemic process, I did not follow any diet, I ate as little as possible and decreased to 74 kilos. But because I lost weight in this way, there is an uncomfortable fat on my body. I started the gym and diet program. My goal is to go back to 68kg in a period of 3 to 4 months and burn as much fat as possible. Afterwards, turning to clean bulk. I have doubts about the accuracy of my nutrition program. I want to lose weight and complete the fat burning phase as soon as possible. I am waiting for your valuable comments about my nutrition program, with plus or minus, with your suggestions.
Height: 1.78
Age: 24
Weight: 74
Shoulder: 118
Chest : 100
Waist: 92
Arm: 35

2 eggs
50gr of oatmeal,
tomato cucumber
Post workout:
200g boiled chicken breast
50gr wholemeal pasta (without oil)
200gr red meat (usually in the form of meatballs)
50gr bulgur pilaf (with olive oil)
Few vegetables
Before bed:
100 gr regular curd cheese
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