Announce Steroid Underground Forum Rules


Founder of
Oct 17, 2021
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Welcome to the Steroid Underground Forum. This section will go relatively un-moderated with only a few exceptions. Failure to follow these rules could result in an infraction or termination of your account. Members will not be banned for anything that is said about sources. This rule applies only to this forum.


1. Do do not post price lists or live links to websites. Coded links are fine.

2. Respect Private Sources! If a good source respectfully requests that his name not leave your mouth, keep it that way.

3. Do not ever contact Muscle Pilot Staff for a source check, reference or to become a rep for your UGL/product.

4. Do not post identifying info of other members of this community

5. Keep all discussion relative to performance enhancing drugs. Drugs like Xanax and adderall are not PED's

6. Do not discuss payment details beyond methods accepted or shipping/packaging details. By packaging we do not mean vial labels but rather types of boxes, labels or fonts of address labels etc... Anything LE might use to identify packages for scrutiny.

7. Do not ask for a source, do not hint that you are looking for one. Posts asking for sources will be deleted.

Opinions and experiences - good or bad - regarding steroid sources and underground labs (UGLs) will not be censored in any way.

Other than that - please share your experiences, let everyone know who's scamming and who isn't, who's good and who's not.

Muscle Pilot does not condone the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. Muscle Pilot does not endorse in any way whatsoever any source discussed in this forum. We are not liable for any harm caused by any product discussed in this forum. No attempt by Muscle Pilot staff will be made to assist you should you become the victim of a scammer. We do not verify or investigate to discover any source discussed in this forum.
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