Testo p. Masteron Winstrol Oxa Hgh Fragment


New User
Nov 13, 2021
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After a long research, I decided to start my first cycle. Waiting for your valuable advice. I would like to thank everyone in advance. Age 35, height 1.90, weight 96, my fat ratio is between 15-20%. I have been doing natural for 3 years. My aim is to define, to clarify the lines.

Cycle: Testo p.(300mg/week), masteron(600mg/week), anavar(10mg/day), winstrol(20mg/day), hgh fragment 176-191(0.2ml/day).

Duration: 10-12 weeks.

Nutrition: 1800cal/day, 160carb, 30fat, 210protein.

Training: 6 days/week, 45 min cardio/training.

MCT: Herbal teas, milk thistle, b12.

Supplement: BCAA, Glutamine, Protein powder, creatine, coffee.

I had my tests done, no problem. I will have it done in the 4th week.
I would like to get your opinions on the cure and its amounts. I would be very happy if you could help with your experience in MCT. What should my PCT be like at the end of this plan?
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