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    2 weeks of Dianabol use.

    Yes, there is such a study, liver values increase, you use it alone, you gain weight, so you keep water after that, even if there is 1 kg left, you will be thankful. Without testo, it will return to normal, of course, but I don't know the duration, just dianabol is something that has never been...
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    I can't open and close my arm

    I haven't been training for 1.5 years and after biceps training, there was tension in the muscle and swelling in the tendon. Today I can't open or close my arm. Is this situation normal?
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    Needle prick in shoulder

    The shoulder is the muscle group most susceptible to injury. It may even be caused by the reasons you mentioned suddenly, possibly from overheating. It is not possible to tell the cause of the pain from afar, but if you have just started doing sports, I recommend that you wait around 5-7 days...
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    Is my system healthy?

    Hello everyone, I'm 71 kilos, I'm 1.77 cm tall. I have a goal to lose 3-4 kilos more. I eat around 1400 calories a day. I eat 90 g carbohydrates 50 g fat 110 grams protein. I eat 2 meals at 12 and 5 o'clock. Every morning when I wake up, I have 1 hydr. I take a .cut and do cardio at 50 min. 15...
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    Burn Fat in 2 Months

    1. Unfortunately, you cannot reduce it by 10% in 2 months, the belly may go away, but it is very difficult to get it down to 10%. You will leave a 2,900-1000 calorie deficit, you do cardio on top of it, make sure you lose a lot of muscle by doing it, it will not be good for your body, you have...
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    My excess fat that does not go away

    i have the same problem right now
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    I want to review

    When I say it's not possible without medication, it doesn't matter whether I do high-level sports or follow a strict diet program. The problem is that I don't want the appearance of hypertrophied muscle, so I don't want to work out weights and build muscle, can I go under 18% otherwise?
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    I want to review

    Hello, when I had my fat ratio measured, they said it was 18%. I want this value to be between 12-15% and my body to look thinner. I have reduced my fat percentage from 35% to 18% with diet and cardio work, by working as regularly as I can in a year, but my legs have a thickness compared to my...
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    I need help

    In my opinion, wrong entry and wrong point of view, but I will not write anything about it for now. You said "I don't have energy and mood", but this is the purpose of sports, in fact, your energy will increase as long as you do sports, I think that should be the last thing you worry about. I...
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    2 workouts a day

    Work the opposite muscles. For example, chest at 9 o'clock in the morning. Back at 9 o'clock in the evening, let there be 12 hours in between. And you need to eat twice as much as you normally eat.
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    weight loss workout

    You can do cardio in the morning and weight training in the evening. You will not get any benefit from the weight training you will do on top of the morning cardio on an empty stomach.
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    Training Diary

    You can choose complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates. Oatmeal is a good option. You can also add alternative chicken breast as protein.
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    How is the nutrition program for definition?

    I think this calculation is made on the assumption that you are not doing any sports, if you are training, the calories taken are less.
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    Questions on Carbs

    If you eat 4 meals of oats, you will be successful because of your will. I, Yasemin, prefer whole wheat pasta as an alternative to hers, but all the alternatives that our friend above mentioned can be done according to her needs.
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    Loss of appetite at breakfast

    I don't like shakes, I'll try your cold shower advice, thanks
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    Loss of appetite at breakfast

    I'm trying to gain weight, my daily goal is to get between 4000-4500 calories, I train 6 days a week. I'm never hungry in the morning, I don't feel like eating, in fact, I don't have an appetite before sports, I eat 3k calories or something after sports, and I usually do sports between 11.30-12...
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