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  1. E

    What if I take poor quality carbohydrates instead of quality carbohydrates?

    When you take quality carbohydrates, the training becomes more efficient, but after the training is over, is there any benefit to the quality carbohydrate I will buy?
  2. E

    big fat body

    I have high fat. Big thick but no shape when I squeeze my arms. Triceps or something, nothing is obvious. My arm is 40 cm, my fat ratio is 25. How many cm does the arm fall around 15 16?
  3. E

    big fat body

    Thanks first of all. I calculated the calories I need to take on the Internet. It turned out 3200-odd. If I take more than this, I will gain weight, if I take the low one, I will lose weight. If my goal is to burn fat, it showed 2600 starts. I also started today. I'll write down the calories I...
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    big fat body

    Hello. I have fat and big body. I want to reduce this fat rate. According to my calculation, I burn fat at 2645 calories per day. What should I get this from? The protein varies between 90 and 100 g every day. I take 200 the most carbohydrates. I get 60 70 g of healthy fat. My fat percentage is...
  5. E

    where am i doing wrong

    I am a person who takes measurements regularly monthly and there is no change.
  6. E


    Try to start with low weights. When you look at those who work with 80-100 kilos, don't think why I can't do it because they also started with weights. It is very important to do the bench press without disturbing the form of the movement. It is better to not do anything at all than to put all...
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