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    How Should I Use Ventolin?

    It varies from person to person, but it is enough to take 1 bidet 30 minutes before cardio and 1 towards evening.
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    Don't overdo the low rep

    I've been working around 5 reps for 2 years. I trained 2-2.5 hours a week, 3 days a week for 3 months in balkaya texa, now the body went bankrupt in the last week, and during this time I only had pain when I made a mistake. Although, since I started at 30, I think that my weight gain is a bit...
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    Scoliosis and Fitness

    I had Scoliosis surgery about 4 years ago. There are a few artifacts left from scoliosis. (Scapular protrusion, back muscle inequality) and I want to pass them. What plan should I implement?
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    Bulk Gynecomastia

    no matter how careful you are, there will be some fat because you're in bulk.
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    Bulk Gynecomastia

    friends, I've been in bulk for about 1 month, I've gained about 2-3 kg, my goal is to go from 80 to 90 and then cut I am now 81-82 kg, but my chest area is a little too oily and a gynecomastia-like image started to appear, probably a much uglier look when I reach 90 kg. There will be an image in...
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    I'm dizzy in training

    These symptoms may be due to any heart disease, the heart is the most valuable muscle in the body, you should see a doctor, but it may be psychological.
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    My excess fat that does not go away

    We take a slightly different approach to 12-hour fasting. If what you want to say is 8-10 hours of hunger instead of 12 hours, then yes, we agree on that. But muscle loss is difficult with 12 hours of fasting. It is stated that there is no change in body composition.
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    can you help me out? please help

    The calorie deficit is somewhat of an experimental process. Basal metabolism + daily energy use It means that it is more than what we eat. Of course, it is not very easy to estimate the BMR value. Unfortunately, the tools in the dieticians may not give accurate results. They said my BMR value is...
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    can you help me out? please help

    It is not possible to answer this question directly without knowing your purpose, eating habits and calorie intake. If you explain what I'm talking about, I can make suggestions accordingly. But what I can answer directly is that you don't use products that have proven ineffective at burning fat...
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    Cardio program for a grade 2 obese

    First of all, I must say that it is very good to lose 15 kilos in two months. As you get used to sports, your pain will ease.
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    non-melting basins

    Health should also be considered, every anorexic case sets out with this type of thought and is frustrated in the end, and the path they enter leads to irreversible results. Mental health is as important as physical health.
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    Is my program suitable?

    I think it makes more sense to add the lateral side as an accessory movement. If you don't have a Rotator Cuff problem, I recommend adding the Overhead Press to every full body day. Since the emphasis is mostly on the front shoulder in the Overhead Press -it is not completely, but on the side...
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    Training Diary

    Do you calculate calories and macros while paying attention to what you eat?
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    Heating or cooling food?

    Guys, I'm taking my own food to work. Do situations such as making my meals the night before and heating them the next morning or putting them in the refrigerator after cooking in the evening harm the nutritional value of the food? Does it lose protein or something?
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    Post-Sport Nutrition

    Hello Friends, due to my work, I train around 19.30 in the evening and leave around 20.30. I only drink protein powder after the workout. I don't have a meal after the workout because it's a little late. Do you think this will do any harm? Or do I have to eat something? I take about 180-200 g of...
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    Loss of appetite at breakfast

    Eggs, bananas, oat mixer, mix well, then pour it into the pan, make pancakes, then if it is tasteless, you can put honey on it, there is no loss of appetite, you will eat it even if it's forcibly
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    Sudden and severe wrist pain

    It's like joint pain, not tendons, sir.
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    Extreme Feather hairs

    Thanks guys i will try the laser method
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    Extreme Feather hairs

    I have a problem with hair all over the place.. How can I stop it.. I want to remove the hair on the back and shoulders.. any suggestions
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