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  1. K

    effect on steroid genes

    Hello. There is a subject I want to learn. Does a person who uses low doses of steroids in general have a genetic change? Do steroids have an effect on genetics?
  2. K

    pain after push-ups

    Do pre-push stretches and do simple knee push-ups at first. Do the movements properly, doing a crooked push-up will be of little use and you may experience injury. Do some lifting and stretching until the pain goes away, do light movements.
  3. K

    heart stuttering

    I think if you are only weight training, a situation such as thickening of the heart muscle may occur. That's why you need to give some weight to cardio. Do some research, but I think you should go to another doctor.
  4. K

    Meniscus injury

    While playing the match, my friends said that I had a meniscus injury and said that he did not do any activity or even running for 3 months. 2nd . My question is can I do sports right now, I will not do leg training, only upper body. will it have any bad effects?
  5. K

    My Definition Diary

    Many sports nutritionists do not accept the amount of carbohydrates you mention (including me). Because in the current guide published, the lowest carbohydrate requirement is stated as 3-5 g/kg for an athlete. So min 210 g for you. However, in many experimental scientific studies, it is stated...
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    My Definition Diary

    Your chances of gaining muscle are pretty low. I recommend aiming for minimum muscle loss and maximum fat loss.
  7. K

    Get bored while running

    Thank you for attention! At the moment, I want to lose about the last 2 kilos, I hope it will go slowly. In my program, I also work with light weights in addition to cardio, although it is not very intense, frankly, but my main problem is the inner leg fat that does not go away, I say patience.
  8. K

    my legs are thick

    Losing weight will take away the most from the legs. You can lose weight.
  9. K

    I have two questions about clean bulk

    No matter what you find, you are very thin at 62 kilos, so to speak, you can hardly walk in windy weather. Forget about gaining weight.
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    My Training Program

    It's ridiculous to say you don't need to curl after you say do the basic moves.
  11. K

    My Powerlifting Training Diary

    Let's follow. After my 6-month upper and lower body adventure, I have now switched to powerlifting style nsuns. I am new too.
  12. K

    I started a new sport, how should I eat?

    Actually, the thing that confuses me the most is how much I should eat.
  13. K

    Is 500g of chicken a day harmful?

    it's called gynecomastia. I recommend you do some research on the internet. Eating chicken every day causes gynecomastia because it increases the estrogen hormone anyway, I went to the doctor, my advice is definitely to eat chicken every day, it disrupts the hormone balance
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    Sudden and severe wrist pain

    Use a bracelet. i have the same problem
  15. K

    A question about leg hair

    You can have it done, some athletes have it done, no hair, the hairdresser said I should clean the eyebrows today, I said no.
  16. K

    Acne After Waxing

    This situation is very common in women, it takes 1 week, you will irritate it even more if you touch it. Rinse the area with water before waxing/shaving, Compress the hairs with a hot towel, Classic moisturizer after the procedure. (a little advice, choose products for sensitive skin.)
  17. K

    Extreme Feather hairs

    If possible, you can dilute it with laser epilation. Unfortunately, there is no other method other than the known methods.
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